image: Blind Weaver -
Eudora Welty, 1930s
Losing Your Vision Doesn't Have to Mean Losing Your Confidence
Throughout your life, your vision has likely been your primary sense. Some
researchers estimate that the sense of sight provides approximately 80% of all
the information we receive about the world. You've probably been using your
vision - unconsciously for the most part - to double-check the accuracy of your
other senses.
For example, when you hear a siren from a fire engine, your tendency is to
confirm that it is indeed a fire engine by turning to look at it. Because of
this tendency, you may feel less confident about your other senses when you
can't depend upon vision in the way you're used to.
In time, and with training, you can learn to make maximum use of all your
senses: touch, hearing, smell, and any remaining vision ? as well as improve
your visual memory. Gradually, with practice and successful new experiences, you
will begin to trust your other senses and rebuild your confidence.
Using Your Visual Memory
In the past, it's likely that you've used your vision to confirm information
coming from your other senses. Sensory exercises can help increase your overall
sensitivity and abilities and help you gain trust in the information you receive
from your remaining senses.
Visualization, or using your visual memory, is a process that can help you
consciously form accurate mental pictures of people, places, and everyday
objects. You can learn to do this by using and recalling the vast storehouse of
visual memories and information you've accumulated throughout your lifetime.
For example, it's likely that you have the ability to create an accurate mental
picture of every room in your home, as well as the individual items - furniture,
appliances, and decorative objects - within each of those rooms.
By continuously creating this type of detailed mental picture, you'll be able to
more accurately recall the location of doors, windows, major pieces of
furniture, and potential hazards and obstacles in your home.
Use Your Remaining Vision
Try to use whatever remaining vision you have to the maximum extent possible.
Despite what you may have read, using your remaining vision will not harm your
eyes or cause your vision to decrease.
Also, remember to check the lighting in your home. Different types of lighting
in certain areas may help you move about more safely and efficiently. Remember
that it's possible to support your reduced vision with information that can be
gained by learning to trust and rely on your other senses.
Maximize Your Sense of Hearing
Hearing often decreases with age, although the type and amount of loss can
differ from one person to the next. If you are having difficulty with your
hearing, consider being tested by an audiologist. Regardless of how much
remaining hearing you have, continue to use it to the maximum. If you
concentrate on what you are hearing, and where sounds are coming from, you will
be able to gain more information about your surroundings and begin to feel safer
and more comfortable.
For example, try this exercise to help you locate an open doorway in your home:
Walk slowly down any hallway in your home.
As you walk, you will sense a "closed-in" feeling until you reach an open
At that point, you will probably experience a sense of "openness" on your left
or right side, depending on which side has the open doorway.
It will take time and practice before you are able to sense these changes. Be
patient with yourself, but also celebrate the fact that you're learning new
skills and increasing your sensory awareness.
If you're not comfortable walking alone, ask a family member or friend to
practice with you, or use techniques that protect your upper and lower body (see
Indoor & Outdoor Travel) as you walk inside your home.
Maximize Your Senses of Smell and Taste
Smell and taste can be affected by a variety of medications; nevertheless, you
should continue to use your senses of smell and taste as best you can. Be aware
that if a family member or friend tells you that something smells pungent, but
you believe it smells fragrant, you can both be correct. Being consistent in
what you can identify is the most important factor.
Environmental and Sensory "Clues" In Your Home
In your home, you are surrounded by many sensory "clues" that can help you
understand your environment. For example, your sense of hearing can provide much
information about your home, both inside and outside.
Sounds such as the television or radio, a dripping faucet, a ticking clock, and
motors turning on and off can help you form a picture of the interior of your
home. Any sounds coming from the outside, such as birds or traffic or children
playing, will also help you build a mental image of your surroundings.
Other sensory "clues" can include:
Textures under foot, such as tile, wood, rugs, or linoleum can help you to
create a visual mental image of your surroundings.
Air currents in the house, air conditioners, fans, or forced air heat can also
help you determine where you are and help you to remain oriented.
Rooms that are different sizes will sound different from one other. A bathroom,
for example, is usually small and contains hard surfaces, such as tiles and
porcelain that can cause sounds to bounce and echo. A living room is larger,
with rugs and soft furniture that can absorb and muffle sounds.
Aromas can also provide useful room "clues," such as the scent of flowers in the
living room, baking aromas in the kitchen, and detergent odors in the laundry
As you approach your front door, especially if it is located in a foyer, you may
experience a "closed in" feeling or sensation. This occurs because sounds are
reflected from three very close walls. In a living room or larger space, you'll
notice that sounds suddenly "fall away" because they take longer to reflect (or
bounce) from wall to wall. The area around you will now feel more spacious and
Try this simple exercise to maximize your senses:
Pick a starting point. For example, stand in a doorway or by your favorite
Walk slowly around the room in one direction. (At first, you might feel more
comfortable having someone with you while you do this.) Touch and identify each
major piece of furniture or feature in the room until you are back at your
starting point.
Next, select a place where you usually sit, such as a chair in the family room
or at the kitchen table. From this seat, try to locate and point to:
-The doorway
-A window in the room
-Major features in the room, such as the fireplace, sink, refrigerator, sofa, or
With someone accompanying you, continue to move slowly through your house and
ask yourself:
What textures am I feeling under my feet? For example, the carpet in the living
room will feel very different from the ceramic tiles in the bathroom and the
linoleum in the kitchen.
What smells am I aware of that can indicate I'm in a specific area of my home?
Can I see a change in lighting or light levels as I move away from, or toward, a
The information you gather from this exercise can stimulate your visual memory
and help you build a clear mental picture of every room in your home. Repeat
these visualization exercises until they become natural and automatic ways to
better understand your environment. Gradually, you will begin to feel much more
in control, more comfortable and secure, and more confident.
Indoor Visualization Exercises to Maximize Your Senses
The sensory exercises in the Related Topics section below can help you maximize
the use of all your senses. These sensory exercises will increase your sensory
awareness and gradually build your confidence and ability to continue doing many
day-to-day activities.
These exercises will help stimulate your visual memory and will help you build a
clear mental picture of every room in your home. They will also give you useful
clues so you are able to more confidently move around your home and locate
different areas and items.
Repeat these exercises until they become natural and automatic ways to better
understand your environment. Gradually, you will begin to feel much more in
control, more comfortable and secure, and more confident.
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