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Individualized Program Plan for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired

Alberta Education

alberta education


An Individualized Program Plan - IPP - is required for each student coded for special education needs. The IPP includes essential information for planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the student’s educational program. IPPs are working documents for learning teams to use throughout the year.

Sample Indicators of Effective Programming

The IPP is a collaborative effort of all members of the learning team.

The learning team gathers information from assessment pertinent to the development of the student’s IPP. The learning team uses this information to develop an IPP that meets the needs of the student.

Essential information in the IPP includes:

− assessment data
− relevant medical information
− current level of performance and achievement
− measurable goals and objectives
− procedures for evaluating student progress
− identification of coordinated support services
− required classroom accommodations
− transition plans
− year-end summary.

The IPP includes goals and objectives specific to the student’s unique learning needs, the expanded core curriculum, modifications or accommodations necessary to ensure access to the regular curriculum, and/or individualized programming necessary to address other disability-specific needs.




Essential Components of Educational Programming for Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired 
Alberta Education website  



Maria José Alegre